Rejected 76561198067638715 (xlte)

Discussion in 'Scam Reports (archive)' started by same2me, Oct 18, 2015.

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  1. same2me

    same2me Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Steam SteamRep
    | steamname: xlte
    | steam3ID: [U:1:107372987]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:53686493
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

    | steamname: same2me [S TF2 > CS:GO]
    | steam3ID: [U:1:133442081]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:66721040
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

    We were talking back and forth about buying his CS:GO knife, he wanted my GE stash + stuff for his knife. We were trading backpack and forth. We were talking about doing my GE stash + adds for my knife, and I was going max 70 keys adds. He sent this ( )... This offer is ~270 keys for the ~200 key knife.
    He sent a trade offer for my burning stash + ghosts baker boy. That's about ~550 keys for a ~200 key knife, obviously wasn't what I was planning to do.

    This is a type of quickswitch trade, he did not notify me that he switched the stashes and I lost nearly 300 keys. I have 3 stashes and didn't bother to even look at the one I was trading, I do not have email confirmation either.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 18, 2015
  2. same2me

    same2me Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    TL:DR, I sent him a trade for a sunbeams beak for his knife + adds,
    he sent back a ge stash and 120 keys in hats
    I sent back a trade offer with a ge stash and 40 keys in hats
    he sent back a trade offer with a ge stash and 75 keys in hats
    I sent back a trade offer with a ge stash and 40 keys in hats
    and he sent back the burning stash with 45 keys in hats.
  3. same2me

    same2me Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    This was on purpose, he even put a "lenny" face in the trade.
  4. monkey

    monkey Member

    Jan 18, 2015
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    ill investigate this... on a personal note @same2me@same2me calling someone the N word is highly uncalled for.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2016
  5. xlte

    xlte Member

    Sep 17, 2015
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    Feel free to add me and we can run through everything. I should be on for another few hours.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2016
  6. xlte

    xlte Member

    Sep 17, 2015
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    going to sleep now so I'll just see how this ends up in the morning.
  7. same2me

    same2me Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    I would like to point out that the trade offer I had sent right before the one I accepted consisted of a GE stash + a ghosts heavy hat worth 40 keys. In that order. He sent back the burning stash + a ghosts baker worth 45. In that order. The baker had been discussed as possible adds during the whole thing, so it did not surprise me he wanted it. I accepted it without a doubt because I thought it was the GE stash; because if he wasn't trying to scam me, he wouldn't have gone through the trouble of adding the baker instead of the heavy hat -- he would have just sent the stash alone.

    Not to mention he shows no remorse on or in servers. He was joking about the trade on a server I am staff on.
  8. xlte

    xlte Member

    Sep 17, 2015
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    I'll just run it through then, because the way you carried yourself following the events that unfolded is the reason I am completely apathetic about consequences. I had gotten a Karambit Tiger Tooth FN a day before, and after playing with it for a few hours I hopped on Vatican where same2me is a mod. I advertised one and hit him up. We talked about it for 40 minutes JUST in that trade window, and then over the course of hours in Steam chat. We had been discussing an offer where I would add for his clean Sunbeams beak( I eventually talked him into his GE stash + adds(, which is where this mix-up occurred. Originally I sent an offer for his GE Stash + Hearts Drill + Ghosts Hound Dog, to which he sent back just the Stash + Hound( I wasn't going to take that low and after constant re-adding and re-offering, I offered on just the drill as my lowest price( It seemed obvious to me that he wasn't responding or reading any trade notes and kept offering 40-key hats on top that I didn't want, so I sent him one with the burning stash so he'd stop and actually read the notes( You can see what I've highlighted as my attempt at sarcasm, and then following that the message saying stash + drill would be gr8 as I wouldn't take less than that. He accepted the offer being the idiot he is without reading the notes, then immediately demanded his hat back, which I would of given him if he hadn't been such a dick to me while we were talking. As I see him as the one at fault here as rushing into that trade I made as a joke purposely, and then complaining to get his stuff back.
  9. monkey

    monkey Member

    Jan 18, 2015
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    @xlte@xlte ill be adding you today but may be busy at work.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2016
  10. Tio José das Vacas

    Tio José das Vacas Senior Trade Moderator

    Jun 29, 2014
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    Hello @same2me@same2me, in order to proceed with your report please add a:
    -Screenshot of all the trade offers sent to you- within your Steam Client- in full screen, showing the url bar and without cropping anything:
    Required Steam Settings for this exercise:
    Open the Steam Browser by double clicking the steam icon in the tray in lower right corner of your screen.
    On top left, open menu "Steam" and select "Settings".
    On the new Settings dialog box, select "Interface" and enable the tick in front of "Display Steam URL address bar when available".
    Click "OK" to close the Steam Settings dialog, applying the setting.
    Requirements of the screenshot(s):
    Exclude the Login name and steam wallet amount that is on the very top right.
    MUST show the Steam URL in top left.
    MUST show the NICKNAME in top middle.
    MUST show the Steam window fully from left side to the right side of the window.
    MUST show to the bottom of the steam browser window.
    You are NOT to edit the screenshot, and NOT to blank out anything.
    -Screenshot of your inventory history:
    1º-Open the Steam Browser by double clicking the steam icon in the tray in lower right corner of your screen.
    2º-On top left, open menu "Steam" and select "Settings".
    3º-On the new Settings dialog box, select "Interface" and enable the tick in front of "Display Steam URL address bar when available".
    4º-Click "OK" to close the Steam Settings dialog, applying the setting.

    Making the screenshot:
    -In the Steam Browser, go to your Inventory, by clicking your Nickname in the top middle and selecting "Inventory"
    -On top right, click the "More" button that is shown above the game labels for the various inventories you have, and select "View Inventory History".
    -Seek the trade that relates to this on the number of pages you have (look below for the requirements).
    -Go to the start menu and type in the seek box "snipping", you will find in Vista and later the "Snipping Tool", click it to start it. It directly wants to make a screenshot. Select the full window excluding the very top of the steam browser window where your LOGIN name is shown. But INCLUDE the Nickname, the steam URL bar fully, both sides and full bottom of the steam browser.
    -Click the "Diskette" icon, or click "File" and then "Save As...", and save it to your desktop.
    -Come back here and make a reply.
    -Drag the image into the reply on the forum from the desktop.
    Requirements of the screenshot(s):
    -Exclude the Login name and steam wallet amount that is on the very top right.
    -MUST show the Steam URL in top left.
    -MUST show the Steam window fully from left side to the right side of the window.
    -MUST show the NICKNAME in top middle.
    -MUST show the related trade from the day before to up to at least 2 days after the trade or current date if that is earlier.
    -MUST show to the bottom of the steam browser window.
    -You are NOT to edit the screenshot, and NOT to blank out anything.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2016
  11. same2me

    same2me Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    So your excuse for why you don't care is because of how I conducted the trade? Lol.

    I missed the part about where I was being a dick. If I remember correctly, you were the one I was in voice chat with for a hour and a half, getting nothing out of it but enjoyment on your side. I even kicked people from the voice chat to avoid the situation getting heated. I was agitated at the fact you would do such a thing, to a guy you were joking around with an hour earlier, and have the audacity to joke about taking my hat. It wasn't very funny listening to you talk to your friends in Skype, asking them if you should give it back while laughing along. Instead of resolving the situation, you decided to join a 2fort server and play. Tormenting me in voice by saying, ".,.look at this new stash I got, I got it off some pleb for my knife."

    The only reason I made this report was because you were trolling me in that time, acting like a complete ass for me to hear. When I tried to talk to you 1v1 and tell you what I needed the money for, you bashed every word I said. "I need money for dadada...." "Well why not scam amazon with 5% and 25/30% fees my refunding your purchases and keeping the item? I do that all the time, I bought my mom a keureg for about 10$" "Hit me up if you wanna make some real money, I scammed some kid out of his unusual flame thrower earlier today while I was talking to you"...

    Of course, if you do get marked, it means nothing to you. You made that very clear as soon as the voice chat started, saying that CS:GO trading didn't rely on steamrep whatsoever and you didn't care if you got marked or not because it wouldn't effect that.

    I was never angry with you, I was just dismayed at the fact someone would do such a thing and feel nothing. I hope that outpost/backpack/steamrep finds your other 6 marked alts you said you had and ties them back to you. Of course that'll be hard, considering you've had your VPN up for some time and I can't find anything.
  12. monkey

    monkey Member

    Jan 18, 2015
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    Hidden Content:
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  13. same2me

    same2me Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Steam SteamRep I sent beams beak for knife + adds He sent back GE stash + hearts drill + ghosts hound dog for knife I offered my GE stash + ghosts hound He sent back my GE stash + hearts drill + 5 key hat for knife Then he sent a trade offer after for my burning stash + ghosts baker. Sent offers Incoming offers Trade history
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2015
  14. monkey

    monkey Member

    Jan 18, 2015
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    lets not start a flame war here.. we are investigating this so please let us handle this.
  15. same2me

    same2me Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    I would suggest asking him for his inventory and market history. I'm sure that flame's in there somewhere, probably other stuff too.
  16. xlte

    xlte Member

    Sep 17, 2015
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    I would be absolutely delighted to show any moderator that asks pictures of both. I have made my inventory public just to help out though.
  17. monkey

    monkey Member

    Jan 18, 2015
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    @same2me@same2me We are rejecting this report due to being invalid for the following reasons: There is no trade agreement either in chat nor trade offer notes format. Without an actual agreement we cannot base this was an scam or not. If we had an agreement this report would of been accepted.

    Thanks for the report.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2016
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