Invalid 76561198099238713 (❄Kicker❄#WayneTheKickerTrain)

Discussion in 'Scam Reports (archive)' started by ljadowning, Feb 28, 2015.

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  1. ljadowning

    ljadowning Member

    Feb 2, 2015
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    | steamname: Yoshi500x8
    | steam3ID: [U:1:65287228]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:32643614
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:


    | steamname: ❄Kicker❄#WayneTheKickerTrain
    | steam3ID: [U:1:138972985]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:69486492
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

    What happened?
    Claimed to give a Community Sparkle luger for the hat along with a 15 bud(apr) unusual luger was not community sparkle. The accusation is a misrepresentation of the luger which was the bulk of that trade.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Imgur - image of the chat logs I have it in text format as well

    his steam page that matches the icon at the same time his bp picture was taken​

    The screenshots I have added also provide evidence of Kicker claiming it was Community Sparkle, and the subsequent trade that followed.

    I'm posting this here because the SR report is borderline dead, however you can tell from the amount of comments that this user is thoroughly disliked and considered a cancer throughout the community because of his trading practices, you can also see him trying to get rid of the hat as quickly as possible, as shown through the comments on the Steamrep thread.

    I hope I've done this report correctly and it results in a ban for this scumbag. - The trade between the victim and the accused - The chatlog with kicker explaining the "Sparkle" on the luger - The actual luger traded to Yoshi from Kicker - Kicker admitting to scamming on ForteSP's profile - Kicker declining to give back the item, even though he was in-game.

    Quotes from the SR thread regarding Kicker

    "This user offered the very same Morning Glory Bomber to me, claiming it to be worth 16 buds, asking me to add to my C. Moon YWN for it." - Baconless - Tried to use people as a fence almost instantaneously

    "This user also made me the same offer on my Morning Glory Lucky Shot saying his was worth 16 buds and that I would have to add. I feel very sad for you Yoshi, and I hope you get your hat back."- Hyrar - Again, using people as a fence

    "User messaged me yesterday asking if I have "anything for a 45 bud frosbite HKC?" This happened very soon after the initial trade was made, and seemingly was an attempt at quickly dumping the hat to get rid of evidence of the trade happening. This all occurred after he was asked by the previous owner to trade back. I think this further proves that the user had no remorse until he realized the extent of his 'punishment' and actually tried to squeeze his way out of it first." - Willthethrill - Very important, states exactly how Kicker behaved until he realised he was caught out and was banned from nearly every trading site

    "That is a terrible thing, I know he gave the hat back and all, but he tried to sell it just after the trade. Until he got his "Punishment," this guy seemed like he was going to sell the hat after the owner wanted it back." - Freedomfighter[Mics] - Same as above

    "totally agree with beamup. i've seen kicker around for quite a lot. he has 0 interest in make this comunity survive, he's selfish and manipulator. Sorry for spam" - Steecatsy - Outsiders view on Kicker

    "That's no spam mate, all truth. I've been looking at the trades of this guy for a long time, I've traded with him in the past too. First of all he's a price manipulator, when you dont accept his offer he becomes mad, etc. Secondly, he always says I'll only do this for now, and that gives stress to the user hes trading with, he tried the same thing to me and I kindly rejected and after that he was like "plis"

    He doesn't care about the community, he's selfish, he only cares about his reputation. He buys something for 20, sells it for 40 saying its RARE, or etc. And when someone says he's overpricing his unusuals he basically shows another person who "overprices" his unusual. This does not work like this. Someone had to say it, sorry." In response to Steecatsys post - ☁TTT☁ Lucario★ - Same as above

    "I think this needs to go through. Kicker recently sharked a sunbeams coldsnap cap for a gifted morning glory coldsnap + around 1.5 in adds, which only comes to about 32, he then later resold the sunbeams snap for close to 100. This was after Kicker had claimed his conscious had changed and he was going to make a new start. Returning the items or not, I don't think he will ever change, even if he says he will." - Bfitzy - Shows Kicker's overall mindset despite the fact he says he has changed multiple times in the thread

    "✿✿✿✿✿✿ Kicker. I hope to Gaben this f✿✿✿✿✿✿ ban gets passed because you are literally the scum of the community. I also find it hilarious that you choose to bring up Wayne as a scapegoat justifying what you did. Wayne has done some shady stuff, but honestly he is not as a bad as you are. You take advantage of traders, price manipulate and generally act like a child (b-b-but Sketchy I am like 22, y-y-you are just butthurt). I have had you added ever since you sold me a hat (Claimed it wasn't duped, but it was) and one thing I have noticed besides the stupid hashtags in your name (my favorite one being a hashtag which he made bashing scammers or something because it is quite hypocritical.) is the fact that you have so much s✿✿✿ and controversy surrounding you. Even before you scammed Yoshi, you managed to be one of the most aggressive, manipulative, and selfish traders I have ever met. I doubt you even cared about giving the hat back that you scammed from Yoshi, you only cared about getting caught. You now want to be unbanned for TF2OP and TF2 Trade servers, what makes you think you can get unbanned so easily. (I-I-I gave the hat back though...) So? If a thief is caught breaking into someone's house and is stealing, but the owner of the house comes back in and catches the thief. The thief can't just drop everything in his hands and expect to not be tried in court. What makes you so special? If you don't get a mark soon it really shows how f✿✿✿✿✿✿ corrupt and untrustworthy this community is in general. I am all for forgiveness, but only to those who deserve it." - [R@] Sketchy Heropon Riki

    "Come on guys, hes a fair trader. I mean just recently he got his original Gifted Morning Glory Coldsnap back and traded it for a Beams Cold snap. Wonder what kind of bull #%$^$ he told the beams cold snap owner to make him believe that a gifted morning glory is worth more. (maybe you can come on here and explain this one too kicker ?) But its ok because he swapped that really quick for a Scorching Gibus, now hes #lordofgibuses . I honestly dont think hes learned anything, and only showed remorse once he was caught. Rooting for a steamrep ban, to get this guy out of the trading community." - BlenderBird

    "I hope this guy gets marked. He is what is wrong with the TF2 community. Oh you got caught with a stolen hat? I see NOW you are sorry. NOW. Weren't so sorry before huh.

    He deserves a mark." - MangoMobinero

    "Honestly Kicker, I don't see how you think this report should be dropped. You blatantly scammed a guy, then ONLY under immense pressure from other did you retrade him. Not to mention you are rude to nearly everyone that trades you, and attempted to dump stolen goods (The Frost cone) to someone else. You want US to simply forget about it and move on. Not gonna happen, you will get marked and banned. There are no second chances when a scam is this obvious. Hopefully, people won't have to deal with your scamming tactics after this report is finished." - Chuck Norris ⇋HG⇌

    "People like him are one of the reasons I quit TF2 trading in the first place, really.

    I never encountered him in my career, but from what I read in this thread, he seriously just needs to get a marked tag already.

    It also makes me uneasy, knowing how corrupt the TF2 market really is beyond the 10-12 key Unusual shells I've been living under while I was still active lol" - Broiler™

    "Just ban him then is everyone happy" -poesjesvanger

    I think 13 responses regarding how unethical and rude he is should justify a ban overall. However him trying to fence the items off as quickly as possible, ignoring the victims pleas to get his items back and only trading back under IMMENSE pressure demonstrates what a lack of morals Kicker has. He deserves a ban, and I'm sure the rest of the community agrees.

    EDIT1: Fixed a quote
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2015
  2. ForteSP

    ForteSP Member

    Oct 20, 2014
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    Would love nothing more than to see this user marked. He has committed multiple scams. SR refuses to look at his reports, of which there are multiple. He deserves this tag more than anymore. We can't let him continue trading.
  3. HattyIs

    HattyIs Member

    Jan 27, 2015
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    Perhaps compiling a list, with evidence, would lead to a quicker result. I have watched him closely since his luger scam and am unaware of multiple scams since then.
  4. Ninja Otter

    Ninja Otter Cunt Member

    Sep 3, 2013
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    Steam SteamRep
    As your report is not 3+ months old on SteamRep, we will not handle it, as per our FAQ. However in 3 months time if the report is still not handled, please feel free to resubmit it.
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