After the huge success of the last community-made update, we knew it was only a matter of time before some of you got together and tried to top it. Introducing the End of the Line Update, featuring a whopping thirteen-and-a-half-minute long animated short, new cosmetics, a new taunt from the short, and an update page, all thought up and designed by the TF2 community. Awesome job! During the End of the Line event, you can find and collect ducks from the corpses of your enemies. Badges are available for tracking your stats and comparing them with your friends. Happy hunting! The event will run through January 5th, 2015. More...
in other words -CP_snowplow is cut due to being "confusing" -duck content costing cash and much MUCHmore... i feel so pissed off right now, but there is still hope, McVee did hint strawberries,so it seems there is more to be seen
-This game is free to play!- Buy an event for exclusive conent! And yet again Valve have dissapointed me. It's Free To Play.... FREE TO PLAY They already have the shop but yet again they're ignorant!
Only people foolish enough will pay for ducks which do 'unknown' other than a simple integer at the moment. The update has cut corners with Valve to blame, not the EOTL team. Unfortunately updates for the past year have been a bit hit and miss, with new changes or features introducing more bugs which for the most part have remained unfixed and some unexplained reasonings for doing such additions or changes. I don't think this is Valve full stop though, personally I believe it's the team who are incharge of Team Fortress 2 that are the problem. For example, as I understand it CSGO's development team are supposed to be reasonable and listen to the community (so I've heard), but you're lucky to get the Team Fortress 2 development team to listen (very lucky) these days.
Well, I don't think it's anyone's fault at this point. TF2 has had a long life, 7 golden years to be exact. People are just getting bored of it and Valve's TF2 team is running out of ideas. TF2's dying slowly and it's not gonna take long until it completely dies. And then, when everyone is bored of it, Blizzard's Overwatch will come out and get 7 golden years as well, or at least until they decide to put cosmetics, hats and/or skins into their game. EDIT: However, I'm sure that if they made a huge update with JUST NEW WEAPONS in it, no hats, no cosmetics or any of that crap, they'd probably extend TF2's life by at least a year.