Ban AppealSteamRep Block | steamname: Lucid | steam3ID: [U:1:87164182] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:43582091 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: What was your in-game name when you got banned? Eroze When did it happen? Yesterday What's the specified reason? Impostor Using an official middlemans name on steamrep Why do you think you should be unbanned? Hey all, over the past month or so i have stated playing a game called csgo and stumbled upon the website csgo lounge due to my friends, which I have been using ever since. Whilst starting to trade on the website, one of my more experienced csgo/trader friends told me to change my name to the middleman one and join him in a group chat, so i did and joined him. After I understood what he was trying to do, i said i felt uncomfortable about doing it and backed out of the chat and never used the name again. After that one incident i continued to trade on csgo lounge and never had any other problems. Just to make things clear: - I have never used that name while on csgo lounge. - I have never scammed anyone before. - I have never used the name for longer than the 5 minutes that indecent occurred. The name i used was "Jerry®[]" if that helps and if you wondering why it isnt in my alias on steam, it is because after finding out about my steam rep ban, I felt embarrassed and spammed names to clear my alias list. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for taking the time to read my case, I hope the result can be a pleasant one.
Btw the name change was a while ago and the reason I was reported is because a user from here spotted the name in my alias' when viewing my profile
Please can you link to your friends account, and if you have any proof at all about the event can you post it?
I don't feel comfortable linking my friends info on a public forum as I know him in real life and it might cause conflict, but as for proof is it possible to access chat logs from about a month ago?
You could always PM the mods your friend's account if you don't want to publicly say it. Best to PM n0:name, Ninja Otter With a Taco, Downy, Downie, and a few more.
Yeah i know, but if he gets banned its pretty obvious im the reason he did. I just want to get me unbanned. I don't associate myself with his trades anymore after the indecent that ultimately lead to my ban. I know the reason i was banned for impersonation, but i have never scammed anyone. All my trades have either been with friends of mine or people that I have met through csgolounge and they have been trade agreed to by both parties only in the trade window. I have lots of positive rep from people I have traded over the past month that i have started trading and the intention to actually scam someone of their items has never been their, im the sort of person who would feel strong guilt of doing such a thing.
Can you answer otters question? Do you have proof your friend asked you to change your name? good luck with your appeal.
BOT Ethan is one of the bots that play for in the game if your missing player on your team or the enemy team. Youre aloud to do it and people do it all the time as a joke. Here is an example: This is what a csgolounge bot name looks like: Gyazo - 6af166a8d16514e4e714b2af36c05d13.png Completely different and I have never attempted to impersonate one
At the time I didn't realize the name change incident would ever result in a ban and therefore did not think about screenshotting evidence. I really would love to able to use csgo lounge again and I have never scammed anyone. Every big trade I have ever done has resulted in a +rep on my profile. Im really not sure how to prove my innocence but at the same time there is no evidence of me being guilty of scamming which I assure you has never happened. Any advice or help would be much appreciated, thank you.
I'm afraid I have some bad news. As you stated in top post, you admitted on committing the fraud and on removing evidence with knowledge. On those cases we are rejecting your appeal.