I like to imagine what the next era of technology will be like. My best guess is something smaller, simpler, and more efficient. Maybe glasses with virtual screens. Have you played deus ex? Well i think that is the future, except we will never have robots inside us, that is way messed up. What do you think?
We will die, most probably because of aliens, then we will be reborn on a planet which we'll name 'Riverworld', as it is a planet with a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong river. There, we will die, be reborn, etc to live the perfect life. Food n stuff will be provided by statues, one meal a day for everyone wearing a bracelet. There are two blue caretakers that'll help with problems n stuff. Source: Riverworld (movie)
We can't die though, it is the nature of living things to live, we will find a way to survive whatever happens
dat necro post x3 well there are 2 certain death possibilities 1; oxygen disappears 2; H2O (water) disappears but in the end all living things die humanity as we know it might disappear in the next 10/100/1000 years, nobody knows
If we die, we die with style. Earth will be vaporized because it has to make way for a new hyperspace highway, which will be done by Vogons. Then, only two earthlings survive and will build a new earth race on Earth 2.0 which has been bought by mice because they want to know the question to Life, the Universe and everything else, the question which has 42 as an answer. Then we kill the mice and live happily ever after.
I hope it's like in the movie "the 5th element" and everybody gets a Multipass. iunno what to do with it but i want one like...now. just for sakes of saying "multipass" all day long and stick it in everybodys face.
You should revive all the existing threads then. Dude, this is bad, u shudnt do it or u get hit my nernaem's ban hammer. Think about it.