Spawn camping

Discussion in 'General' started by NikoS2468, May 8, 2018.

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  1. NikoS2468

    NikoS2468 Member

    May 4, 2018
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    Admins do a good job at keeping spawn camper at bay while they are on but when there are no admins on the server things can get bad like can't even get to your own spawn enterence bad. I know admins have things that are more important to do like catching exploiters and cheaters. When things get this bad spawn campers just don't stop. And what I mean by spawn camping its not snipers sitting in there spawn, on the race track, or by the goals in talking about heavy with pocket medics with pyro and soldiers all sitting at the door constantly shooting kind of spawn camping. Using the !calladmin commmand is good for this but there is a flaw it takes too much time to report all the players spawn camping and sometimes people will not report spawn camping because of this and only reporting one may not draw enough urgency to the situation. So I propose that a new command under !calladmin may be in-stated called mass spawn camping. This would work well because its much quicker then reporting every one and is as quick as if not quicker then reporting one person with the same urgent feeling as everyone spawn camping being reported I do hope you take this into consideration because it would help a lot. Thanks. Sincerely NikoS2468
  2. Bambi :)

    Bambi :) The American Member

    Dec 24, 2017
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    As it has been stated before many times, admins cant always be on to take care of the server, we all have lives outside of this. the example you gave isn't spawn camping either, snipers are allowed to shoot from their spawn, race track area, and behind the goals, none of which is spawn camping.
    These are also trade/idle servers, not competitive servers, the purpose is to trade with other people, idle and relax and play. If your really getting upset because you are getting sniped a lot, there are plenty of ways around that. like playing spy or get someone to pocket you etc..
    IMO I think other admins find it annoying to constantly get reports about something totally irrelevant like spawn camping on trade servers, yeah its annoying but in your case, its just petty. It would be different if say an engineer built a sentry in front of the palm trees completely blocking the spawn, or a heavy and medic camp your exit in the corner. But this is not the case.
    I'm not a trade admin, and frankly this is none of my business, but I felt the need to put this out there.
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  3. NikoS2468

    NikoS2468 Member

    May 4, 2018
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    I know admins have other lives and what I said was that I know spawn camping "isn't" snipers by their spawn race track or goals I ment that there are people who physically stand at the spawn door exit and you can't get out I know I'm not the best at explaining this stuff it was just some random thoughts? Thanks talking the time to respond and I still respect what you said even though you are not a trade server admin
  4. princess13456789

    princess13456789 Member

    Feb 15, 2018
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    Just record and get their steam ID.
  5. NikoS2468

    NikoS2468 Member

    May 4, 2018
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    There is that
  6. NikoS2468

    NikoS2468 Member

    May 4, 2018
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    Honestly i was just spit balling idea while I had nothing else to do
  7. ♡ pie ♡

    ♡ pie ♡ 死に生きる Legacy Admin

    Nov 11, 2017
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    Hey Niko!

    The fact of the matter is, the new report system you're proposing will basically work the same; someone uses /calladmin or /report, admins get a notification from the report bot, and the ones who are available usually go and handle it. However, this doesn't change our outsides lives or make us more open to taking reports. As Bambi (and many other admins) has stated before, we're not always there to handle your calls or reports due to outside influences or problems that arise in our daily lives. What you're saying here will basically change nothing--apologies for that--as it has no effect on us or members. Admins always get the reports, but they can't always connect to the server and help solve the problem.

    I'm glad to see you having such interest in making our servers better! Despite this not quite working, you can always give other suggestions that could assist us--we're always open to discussing new ideas! c:
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