Rejected [SteamRep tag removal/downgrade] Ban Appeal - UmbrellA

Discussion in 'Bans (archive)' started by F7are, Jul 16, 2015.

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  1. F7are

    F7are Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Steam SteamRep
    Ban Appeal
    SteamRep Block
    | steamname: Umbrellа™
    | steam3ID: [U:1:127222109]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:63611054
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:
    Type of appeal
    SteamRep tag removal/downgrade
    What was your in-game name when you got banned?
    When did it happen?
    15.11.2014, 21:12
    What's the specified reason?Why do you think you should be unbanned?
    Left open for the actual accused. I made this appeal because the accused got errors when filling in the form.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2015
  2. Umbrellа™

    Umbrellа™ Member

    Jul 16, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Steam SteamRep
    Hello. At the time of attempts of a moshshenichestvo no victims existed. I very long time ago realized the fault. Iskrenni I repent and promise that from now on such not to repeat. dota2launzh I am not engaged in an exchange of things on the site any more. Only bets, only analytics)
    I ask forgiveness for possible mistakes, I used an online translator.
  3. Littlemadtiger

    Littlemadtiger Forum Police Member

    Jun 7, 2015
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    Umbrella, if you understand Russian, I will hopefully get you to understand why you are at fault.

    ты знаешь тот у нас есть правила для лохотрон. ты пыта́лся к использование разные имя и это ражный потому што оно нарушить наша правила. извини, но эти наша правила вот.

    (For English translation, You know that we have rules for scamming. You attempted to use a different name and that is important because it violates our rules. Sorry, but these are our rules here.)
  4. Umbrellа™

    Umbrellа™ Member

    Jul 16, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Steam SteamRep
    I don't challenge your right for a ban for such violation, but times change also people too...
    I didn't visit more than 8 months this website...
    Really such fraud (which didn't lead to the victims) - is punishable by a lifelong ban?
  5. Downie

    Downie CEO of Downcorp Retired Staff Member

    Sep 9, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Steam SteamRep
    Hey @Umbrellа™

    In order to process your appeal I would need some more information.
    I would like to receive screenshots of your inventory history of the last 5 months.

    Once you have taken them, upload them to Fortress of Gamers - File Hosting and post them below.

    1º-Open the Steam Browser by double clicking the steam icon in the tray in lower right corner of your screen.
    2º-On top left, open menu "Steam" and select "Settings".
    3º-On the new Settings dialog box, select "Interface" and enable the tick in front of "Display Steam URL address bar when available".
    4º-Click "OK" to close the Steam Settings dialog, applying the setting.

    Making the screenshot:
    -In the Steam Browser, go to your Inventory, by clicking your Nickname in the top middle and selecting "Inventory"
    -On top right, click the "More" button that is shown above the game labels for the various inventories you have, and select "View Inventory History".
    -Seek the trade that relates to this on the number of pages you have (look below for the requirements).
    -Go to the start menu and type in the seek box "snipping", you will find in Vista and later the "Snipping Tool", click it to start it. It directly wants to make a screenshot. Select the full window excluding the very top of the steam browser window where your LOGIN name is shown. But INCLUDE the Nickname, the steam URL bar fully, both sides and full bottom of the steam browser.
    -Click the "Diskette" icon, or click "File" and then "Save As...", and save it to your desktop.
    -Come back here and make a reply.
    -Drag the image into the reply on the forum from the desktop.
    Requirements of the screenshot(s):
    -Exclude the Login name and steam wallet amount that is on the very top right.
    -MUST show the Steam URL in top left.
    -MUST show the NICKNAME in top middle.
    -MUST show the Steam window fully from left side to the right side of the window.
    -MUST show the related trade from the day before to up to at least 2 days after the trade or current date if that is earlier.
    -MUST show to the bottom of the steam browser window.
    -You are NOT to edit the screenshot, and NOT to blank out anything.

    Please provide them within 21 days. After that your appeal will be concluded.
  6. n0name

    n0name Administrator

    Aug 27, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Steam SteamRep
    Appeal denied due to lack of follow up.
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